Study Assistance Scheme for Professional Staff Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Objectives
(1) The University employs a variety of strategies to create an organisational climate which will attract and retain staff of the highest calibre and optimise their opportunity to contribute to the achievement of the University's mission and goals.
(2) The University encourages all staff to continue their professional and personal development and this Policy sets out the assistance available to professional staff to improve their education and training and the conditions under which financial and other assistance may be granted.
Top of PageSection 2 - Definitions, Terms, Acronyms
Term | Definition |
Authorised Officer | The officer authorised to exercise the relevant HR power or function in accordance with the Human Resources Sub-delegations Schedules. |
VET | Vocational Education and Training. |
Section 3 - Policy Scope/Coverage
(3) Professional staff who undertake formal tertiary study at a university or registered VET provider, especially graduate study, are eligible to apply for study assistance under this Policy.
Top of PageSection 4 - Policy Statement
(4) The University has a long history of supporting staff who are undertaking formal study and in providing a broad range of staff development programs designed to enhance personal and organisational effectiveness. In addition to the time required for study, the student contribution amount and tuition fees can place financial burdens on staff and can act as a disincentive to study, resulting in requests for financial assistance to cover these charges.
Top of PageSection 5 - Criteria for Determining Level of Study Assistance
(5) The Authorised Officer approves the level of study assistance to be granted subject to an assessment of the following:
- the relevance of the proposed course of study firstly to the current position and duties of the staff member, secondly to the work of the organisational unit and/or the University and thirdly to the career development of the member of staff;
- the staff member's contribution to the organisation; and
- their record of success in previous courses undertaken.
Section 6 - Assistance Available
Staff Enrolled in Courses Directly Relevant to their Current Position and Duties
(6) Assistance available to staff undertaking an approved program of study will take the form of a "package" comprising financial support and/or leave, dependent on the level of the study, its relevance to the University and the organisational unit, and the current duties undertaken by the staff member. The Authorised Officer will determine the level of benefits to be granted in accordance with the criteria set out in this Policy and the Study Assistance Scheme for Professional Staff Procedure.
Staff Enrolled in Degree Courses not Directly Relevant to their Current Position and Duties
(7) Staff enrolled in courses which are being undertaken principally for career development or personal purposes, but are not directly relevant to the staff member's current position and duties, or are not considered to be of benefit to the University or organisational unit, are expected to undertake their studies primarily out of normal working hours. Where classes or exams are not available outside working hours, time off to attend classes or exams can be granted on the same basis as set out in the Procedure. Financial support for such staff can be approved at the discretion of the Authorised Officer.