Bachelor Honours Degree Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
(1) Academic merit achieved in Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level 8 bachelor’s honours degree qualifications is recognised through the award of a class of honours.
(2) This Procedure outlines the requirements for the awarding of classes of honours in an AQF level 8 bachelor’s honours degree or integrated program that includes a bachelor’s honours degree component offered at UQ.
Top of PageSection 2 - Process and Key Controls
(3) A UQ bachelor’s honours degree may be awarded in an approved field of study and must be awarded in one of these classes – honours class I; honours class II (A or B); honours class III (A or B).
(4) Program-specific variations to the requirements set out in the Procedure are reviewed by the Committee for Academic Programs Policy (CAPP) and approved by the Vice-Chancellor (as per the Program Approval Procedure) and set out in the program requirements.
Top of PageSection 3 - Key Requirements
Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA) for the Purpose of Awarding Class of Honours
(5) The program requirements must specify a set of courses, including 16 units of courses at level 3 or higher that will be used to calculate the GPA for the purpose of awarding the class of honours. Of the courses specified, at least 12 units must be graded courses. Only courses undertaken at UQ can be included in the calculation of the class of honours.
(6) Unless the program requirements state that all attempts at courses that contribute to the calculation of the class of honours should be used, the result achieved in the first attempt will be used, regardless of the program in which the result was obtained. This will include where supplementary assessment has been undertaken (for example a result 2S4 means a grade of 2 will be used for calculation of honours classification, and a grade of 4 used for the purposes of completion of the program requirements).
(7) In submissions to CAPP to establish or modify program-specific honours requirements in program requirements, faculties are required to identify the 4 units that provide research or research preparation in the courses that contribute to honours as per the ‘Research Requirements for Bachelor’s Honours Programs’ provisions of the Program Design Procedure.
Classes of Honours
(8) The standard cut-offs for classes of honours are shown below. Where specific program requirements make these cut-offs impracticable, a case can be made to CAPP for a change to be made for that program.
GPA | Class of Honours |
6.200 – 7.000 | Class I |
5.650 – 6.199 | Class IIA |
5.000 – 5.649 | Class IIB |
4.000 – 4.999 | Class IIIA |
<4.000 | Class IIIB |
(9) Transition arrangements apply for students who have completed courses prior to 2015, that will be used to determine the class of honours. The class of honours will be determined using both the 2015 cut-offs and the applicable 2014 method and cut-offs (see Award of Honours - Procedures (prior to 2015)). The highest class of honours will be awarded.
Top of PageSection 4 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Position | Responsibility |
Vice-Chancellor | • Approval of program-specific honours requirements and standard GPA cut-offs for classes of honours. |
Committee for Academic Programs Policy (CAPP) | • Review proposals to establish or modify program-specific honours requirements or GPA cut-offs for classes of honours. • Review of this Procedure as required. |
Faculties | • Administration and quality assurance of academic programs offered by the faculty. |
Academic Registrar | • Administration of the programs catalogue. |
Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance
(10) The Committee for Academic Programs Policy is responsible for reviewing this Procedure as required and for monitoring university-wide compliance of UQ’s programs.
Top of PageSection 6 - Recording and Reporting
(11) Design features and structural details relating to all programs offered by the University are published in the programs catalogue.
(12) Records relating to the structure and design of the University’s programs, including approved variations and proposals initiated through the Program Approval Procedure, shall be managed in accordance with the Information Management Policy.
(13) The records concerning a person’s admission, enrolment and progression including University decisions are filed in the applicant's or student’s record in the University’s record management systems.
Top of PageSection 7 - Appendix
Definitions, Terms, Acronyms
Terms | Definitions |
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) | the national qualifications framework available at the homepage for Australian Qualifications Framework. |
CAPP | Committee for Academic Programs Policy. |
Field of study | a prescribed combination of courses having a value of at least 8 units in a postgraduate coursework program or having a value of 16 units in a one-year bachelor’s honours program or in an embedded bachelor's honours program. |
GPA | for the purpose of this Procedure, the Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated in accordance with clauses 8-9 of this Procedure and is used to determine the class of honours. |
Integrated program | a sequence of study under one set of program requirements that leads to a combination of awards on a single testamur. |
Program | a sequence of study leading to the award of a qualification such as an undergraduate degree or diploma, and/or a postgraduate coursework qualification. |
Program Requirements | for the purpose of this Procedure, program requirements mean the courses to be taken to complete the program and any other specific conditions of the program including admission, enrolment and progression requirements. Program requirements include all requirements set out in the former ‘program rules’. |