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Graduate Statement and Graduate Attributes Policy

This is the current version of the approved document. You can provide feedback on this document to the Enquiries Contact - refer to the Status and Details tab from the menu bar above. To view historical versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) The UQ Graduate Statement describes qualities, skills, attributes and understandings that students should develop through their learning and the experiences they engage with while at The University of Queensland.

(2) This Policy supports the University’s curriculum design, quality assurance and program approval processes through providing a connection between the vision and mission of the University and the learning experiences and outcomes of students. This Policy provides details of the University's compliance with the statutory requirements of the Higher Education Provider Standards, as regulated by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), and the associated Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) for graduate attributes.


(3) This Policy applies to all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students and staff at The University of Queensland.

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Section 2 - Principles and Key Requirements

(4) This Policy provides guidance in the shaping of curricula, co-curricular and extra-curricular student experiences, supporting students towards enhanced employability and career readiness.

(5) The UQ Graduate Statement reflects the University’s overarching goal for UQ graduates; it provides a single statement that encapsulates who the UQ graduate is and how they behave as part of society.

(6) The UQ Graduate Attributes provide a holistic representation of desirable characteristics in UQ graduates. It is expected that each program will be designed to develop the listed Graduate Attributes alongside any specific discipline and professional outcomes required. It is also understood that students may develop aspects of the UQ Graduate Attributes through additional co-curricular or extra-curricular activities that form part of their university experience.

(7) This Policy should inform the design and structure of programs, and subsequently inform the development of Program Graduate Statements, Program Learning Outcomes and Course Learning Outcomes, and should be considered in conjunction with the Graduate Statement and Graduate Attributes Guideline.

Principles that underpin the UQ Graduate Statement and Graduate Attributes

(8) The UQ Graduate Statement and Graduate Attributes are informed by the principles of being:

  1. aspirational and transformative, enabling curriculum and the experience of the University as tools of exploration of identities and foundations for future leadership for students.
  2. transferable across disciplines, and between the University and the wider society and workplace.
  3. values-driven, reflecting UQ values and mission.
  4. embodied and enacted, encompassing the whole person and whole-UQ experience, providing a guide to the formation of a UQ scholar.
  5. inclusive of all students and developed through a student-centred approach that values the voices of all students, but particularly those often under-represented.
  6. future-focused with an understanding of the consequences that actions taken today have on generations to come.
  7. informed by relationality with an appreciation of the social and cultural construction of knowledge including acknowledgment of the value of Indigenous ways of knowing in complementing and extending the presence of the University.
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Section 3 - UQ Graduate Statement

(9) The UQ Graduate Statement provides a synopsis of the attributes, skills, values and understandings of a graduate of The University of Queensland.

(10) The UQ Graduate Statement shall read:

“A graduate of The University of Queensland is knowledgeable, curious and connected with the world. They value the perspectives and cultures of all peoples, acting with integrity, empathy, creativity, and courage. They understand complexity and challenge expectations to make positive change.”

(11) The UQ Graduate Statement will be used to inform the development of Program Graduate Statements.

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Section 4 - UQ Graduate Attributes

(12) The following Graduate Attributes apply to all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework graduates of the University.

(13) UQ Graduates should be:

  1. Accomplished scholars
    Graduates will have a well-founded knowledge of their field of study and an understanding of how it relates to other disciplines. They will have the ability to engage with different traditions of thought and apply this knowledge in multi-disciplinary and global settings and contexts to enact a positive difference in their world.
  2. Courageous thinkers
    Graduates will have the ability to critically question, analyse, interpret, and evaluate their world and experiences to conceive innovative responses to future challenges. They will draw on their courage and creativity to test, debate and shape new ideas, understandings, approaches, and opinions.
  3. Connected citizens
    Graduates will be responsible, independent, outward-looking global citizens who possess a sound understanding of their communities. They will be active, collaborative, and constructive participants in society.
  4. Culturally capable
    Graduates will have an understanding of, and respect for, Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and global Indigenous peoples’ values, cultures, and knowledge. They will have an appreciation of cultural and social diversity and work with a sense of social and civic responsibility towards a more just and equitable society.
  5. Influential communicators
    Graduates will convey ideas and information effectively to a range of audiences for a variety of purposes. They will skilfully use information and work effectively with others to make meaningful, impactful contributions to important conversations and discussions.
  6. Respectful leaders
    Graduates will act with knowledge of, and respect for, ethics and ethical standards within their professional and disciplinary fields as leaders and emerging leaders. They will have the capability to be relational decision-makers who work towards evolving a more sustainable society, economy, and environment.
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Section 5 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)

(14) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) is responsible for overseeing the integration of the UQ Graduate Statement and Graduate Attributes across both curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular student experiences.

Associate Deans (Academic) and Directors of Teaching and Learning

(15) Associate Deans (Academic) and Directors of Teaching and Learning across faculties and schools support the translation of the UQ Graduate Statement and Graduate Attributes into appropriate program graduate statements, learning outcomes, and experiences for students within program level contexts.

Program Convenors

(16) Program Convenors are responsible for the implementation and integration of the UQ Graduate Statement and Graduate Attributes as part of the design and delivery of academic programs across the University.

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Section 6 - Monitoring, Review and Assurance

(17) Monitoring and assurance of this Policy will be integrated within program review and approval processes with oversight provided by Academic Board and University Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee.

(18) The University Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee will ensure the ongoing suitability and relevance of this Policy.

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Section 7 - Recording and Reporting

(19) Adoption of this Policy will be evidenced through program review and approval processes and shall be the responsibility of respective school, faculty and university program approval and teaching and learning committees.