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Senate Remuneration Policy

This is the current version of the approved document. You can provide feedback on this document to the Enquiries Contact - refer to the Status and Details tab from the menu bar above.

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This Policy provides information and guidance on the remuneration of Senate members.

(2) The Policy applies to members of the University’s governing body, the Senate.

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Section 2 - Principles and Key Requirements

(3) Senate members provide a significant contribution to the community through their participation on Senate. Remunerating Senate members acknowledges this contribution and recognises that good corporate governance contributes towards the University’s sustained and long-term value.

(4) The Senate believes that it is important to promote a culture founded in equality and mutual cooperation and to avoid the development, or perception, of a hierarchy or status culture within the Senate membership. Further, all Senate members have the same governance responsibilities, liabilities and obligations, whether official, appointed, or elected.

(5) Accordingly, the Senate has determined all members (with the exception of the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor and Committee Chairs) will receive the same fee, irrespective of appointment arrangements.

(6) While every Senate member’s relative contribution is equally valued and recognised, it is acknowledged that both the Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor, as well as Committee Chairs, have increased workloads by virtue of the critical leadership roles they play and additional responsibilities they assume within the Senate and accordingly will receive higher fees.

(7) Fees will not reflect commercial compensation rates but will be set at levels that reflect the spirit of community service which Senate members bring to their service and wider community expectations.

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Section 3 - Fees and Out-of-pocket Expenses

Majority Required to Introduce or Change Fees

(8) A simple majority of Senate members, present or represented by proxy at the meeting, is required to amend this Policy and/or introduce or change a Senate remuneration fee structure.

Senate Members who do not Receive Fees

(9) The following members do not receive fees:

  1. Public sector officials who are precluded from accepting additional remuneration;
  2. The Vice-Chancellor and President, and the President of the Academic Board; and
  3. Any other Senate member who elects not to be paid.


(10) The Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor receive a flat fee to cover all activities.

(11) A Senate member’s fee covers all Senate and committee work, except for the chairing of one of the committees in clause 12 below.

(12) Subject to clause 10, an additional fee is paid to the chairs of the Senate Finance Committee (SFC), Senate Risk and Audit Committee (SRAC), and Senate Campus Infrastructure Committee (SCIC) in recognition of their higher workload.

(13) If a Senate member is absent from meetings for an extended period without the leave of the Chancellor then remuneration payments may be adjusted, reduced or suspended at the discretion of the Chancellor.

(14) It is the responsibility of each Senate member to receive financial, taxation and/or legal advice in relation to the payment of remuneration.

Chancellor $80,000 p.a.
Deputy Chancellor $40,000 p.a.
Senate members $25,000 p.a.
Additional Fee for
Chairs of SFC, SRAC, SCIC
$10,000 p.a.

Payments made to Senate Member or other Options

(15) Remuneration will be paid quarterly in advance via the University’s staff payroll system.

(16) All remuneration is inclusive of superannuation.

(17) Remuneration cannot be paid to companies or trusts.

(18) Senate members may choose not to be remunerated, or be partially remunerated, or may choose one or more of the following options:

Senate Scholarship Fund or other University Philanthropic Fund

(19) The University is establishing a Senate Scholarship Fund to enable those members who wish to do so, to support the creation of scholarships for worthy students, in perpetuity.

(20) Senate members may, in whole or in part, salary sacrifice their fee to the Senate Scholarship Fund or any other philanthropic fund established by the University.

Salary Sacrifice (Staff Senate members only)

(21) In respect of staff members on Senate, all or part of their fee may be applied to professional development as a salary sacrifice. The request for professional development is to be made in the usual way and taken at a time in agreement with the University.

Payment to School etc (Staff Senate Members only)

(22) A staff member on Senate may elect to salary sacrifice their fee, in whole or in part, to their school, institute, or organisational unit.

Travel, Out-of-pocket Expenses and other Benefits

(23) A Senate member is entitled to claim reasonable expenses incurred in this capacity. Details of the expense, together with relevant supporting documentation, is required. The payment of an expense is at the discretion of the Chancellor.

(24) Senate members are covered by the University’s Directors & Officers Liability Insurance Policy.

UQ’s Enterprise Agreement not applicable

(25) The University of Queensland Enterprise Agreement does not apply to Senate members in their capacity as Senate members.

Monitoring, Review and Reporting

(26) This Policy is reserved for Senate and is monitored by the Senate Governance Committee. The Policy will be reviewed as required and, in any event, during the final year of the term of the Senate.

(27) All fees are fixed for the four-year term of the Senate and must be reviewed by the Senate Governance Committee at least six months before the end of the term, for the benefit of the incoming Senate, with any proposed changes approved by the outgoing Senate prior to the end of its term.

(28) In reviewing fees, the Committee will take external advice and have regard to levels of remuneration paid by other Go8 and other Queensland-based universities, State Government guidelines and community expectations.

(29) Remuneration of Senate members will be reported in the University’s annual financial report in accordance with Queensland Government Annual Accounting Reporting requirements.

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Section 4 - Recording and Reporting

(30) The University’s payroll department is responsible for making payments. All transactions are recorded in the payroll system.