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Naming Policy

This is the current version of the approved document. You can provide feedback on this document to the Enquiries Contact - refer to the Status and Details tab from the menu bar above.

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This Policy guides The University of Queensland (UQ or the University) in bestowing, revoking or amending naming of infrastructure, positions, scholarships and programs through the bestowal of an honour name in recognition of highly distinguished service, sponsored research, or significant philanthropic contribution.

(2) Individuals may also be recognised for distinguished service in accordance with the provisions of the Honorary Awards Policy.

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Section 2 - Principles and Key Requirements

Types of Naming

(3) UQ may name physical and non-physical assets in recognition of:

  1. highly distinguished service to UQ;
  2. a significant philanthropic contribution to UQ;
  3. sponsored research or other partnerships that bring significant benefit to UQ.

Types of Assets Eligible for Naming

(4) Physical assets:

  1. Buildings and major parts of buildings;
  2. Roads;
  3. Schools and Institutes;
  4. Research Centres;
  5. Public spaces, gardens, and major features (including sporting facilities, fountains, sculptures and works of art);
  6. Cultural, library and scientific collections;
  7. Minor features including but not limited to benches, auditorium seating, trees, and plants, pathways, plaques and natural or environmental features.

(5) Non-physical assets:

  1. Professorial Chairs and Research Fellowships;
  2. Lecture series and Visiting Fellowships;
  3. Work integrated learning, work experience and internship programs;
  4. Student enrichment programs;
  5. Scholarships and prizes (honorary naming);
  6. Scholarships and prizes (philanthropically funded).


(6) All naming – regardless of type – must meet all the following eligibility requirements:

  1. broadly align with the mission, values, and aspirations of the University;
  2. not pose current or potential harm to the University’s reputation or other interests;
  3. respect and endeavour to reflect the diversity of the University community;
  4. not be associated with an unmanaged conflict of interest;
  5. be sensitive to the history and character of the University; and
  6. be commensurate with the contribution or level of benefaction made by any individual or organisation recognised by the naming, as specified below.

(7) Philanthropic and Sponsored Research Naming should meet the investment minimums outlined in the UQ Naming Local Standard Operating Procedure (LSOP), available via email to

(8) Conditions of a philanthropic donation are to comply with UQ’s Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom Policy.

Distinguished Individual Service

(9) The individual must have achieved distinction in service in one or more of the following ways:

  1. While serving the University in an academic capacity – demonstrated high scholarly distinction with a national or international reputation;
  2. While serving the University in a professional capacity – demonstrated distinguished service that warrants recognition of exceptional contribution to UQ;
  3. Exceptional contribution to the advancement of UQ or an achievement of such unique distinction as to warrant recognition;
  4. Exceptional contribution to civil society or achieved such unique distinction as to warrant recognition;

    and satisfy one or more of the following:
  5. Demonstrated the highest standards of personal integrity;
  6. Demonstrated honourable public service;
  7. Made significant positive contributions to UQ, the State of Queensland, Australia and/or society;
  8. Be highly regarded in the UQ community.

Philanthropic Contribution

(10) A philanthropic contribution must meet all of the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Have a significant impact on the University;
  2. Meet the minimums outlined in the UQ Naming Local Standard Operating Procedure (available via email to
  3. Not be a planned gift (bequest), unless the gift is irrevocable;
  4. Be a new gift, captured in a Gift Agreement and conform to the Philanthropy and Fundraising Policy.

(11) UQ may augment a philanthropic contribution with internal funds in exceptional circumstances in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and with approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

(12) UQ has Deductible Gift Recipient status under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. As a result, the University does not recognise a donor’s right to naming, however may offer naming as a way to demonstrate philanthropic leadership and encourage a culture of giving. Approval of a proposed naming is not guaranteed at the time of gift acceptance.

(13) It is intended that an individual or family name be bestowed only when a person has rendered highly distinguished service which would cause their name to be recognised by a later generation or that they are honoured in recognition of a significant philanthropic contribution to the University, or in rare circumstances through a combination of both.

Sponsored Research and Other Partnerships

(14) A sponsored research or other partnership (that includes naming defined under this Policy) must meet all of the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Substantially advance UQ's research capabilities, reputation and/or impact, as demonstrated through an appropriate combination of:
    1. Significant financial or in-kind contribution to a specific research project, program, facility, or position;
    2. Meaningful contribution to UQ’s research capacity, such as through the provision of unique research opportunities, resources, or collaborations that align with UQ’s long-term research priorities; and
    3. Enhancement of UQ's reputation within the research community on a national or international level; and
  2. Be of a time-limited nature:
    1. For Research Centres, refer to UQ Research Centres and Research Networks Policy;
    2. For named academic positions, be funded for a minimum of 3 years; and
  3. Adhere to one of the following naming conventions:
    1. [named UQ entity/asset] sponsored by [name of partner];
    2. [named UQ entity/asset] supported by [name of partner].

Revoking and Amending Named Assets

(15) UQ may revoke or amend a named physical or non-physical asset in the following circumstances (in accordance with the authorities set out in section 3 below):

  1. Where the person or entity for which the asset is named brings UQ into public disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule, or reflects unfavourably on UQ’s reputation; or
  2. Where a material change in the function of a physical asset is required to best utilise the asset and the repurposing of the asset is permitted under any conditions that were attached to the original approval for the naming.

(16) Where the naming of a physical or non-physical asset is revoked or repurposed, UQ will take all reasonable steps to communicate with the honouree or next of kin regarding the decision (as set out in the Naming LSOP, available via email to Honourees also have a right to withdraw the use of a name should this be desired. 

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Section 3 - Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities


(17) Approving naming requests relating to:

  1. Buildings and major parts of buildings;
  2. Roads (normally reserved to honour past Chancellors);
  3. Public spaces, gardens, and major features (including sporting facilities, fountains, sculptures and works of art);
  4. Schools and Institutes;
  5. Research Centres;
  6. Lecture series and Visiting Fellowships; and
  7. Professorial Chairs and Research Fellowships.

Senate Governance Committee

(18) Making recommendations to Senate relating to all naming requests where Senate is the decision-maker.


(19) Making recommendations to Senate Governance Committee and Senate relating to naming requests where Senate is the decision-maker.

(20) Approving naming requests relating to:

  1. Cultural, library and scientific collections; and
  2. Minor features including but not limited to benches, auditorium seating, trees, and plants, pathways, plaques and natural or environmental features.
  3. Work integrated learning, work experience and internship programs;
  4. Student enrichment programs; and
  5. Scholarships and prizes (honorary naming).

(21) Approve augmentation of philanthropic contribution with internal funds in exceptional circumstances and in consultation with Chief Financial Officer.

University Senior Executive Team

(22) Ensuring appropriate consultation has occurred within the University, and among relevant groups within the UQ Community.

(23) Making recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor relating to naming requests where the Vice-Chancellor or Senate is the decision-maker.

Vice-President (Advancement and Community Engagement)

(24) Providing the first point of contact for all honorary and philanthropic naming requests.

(25) Conducting reputational checks for all honour and philanthropic naming requests.

(26) Reviewing all naming requests for compliance with this Policy and ensuring minimum investment amounts are met, per the Naming Local Standard Operating Procedure.

(27) Making recommendations to USET and the Vice-Chancellor relating to naming requests where the Vice-Chancellor or Senate is the decision-maker.

(28) Approving naming requests relating to:

  1. Scholarships and prizes (philanthropically funded), in consultation with the Scholarships Office.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)

(29) Providing a key point of contact for all naming requests relating to sponsored research partnerships.

(30) Ensuring minimum investment amounts are met, per the Naming Local Standard Operating Procedure.

(31) Making recommendations to Vice-President (Advancement and Community Engagement) and USET with respect associated benefits and risks of proposed sponsored research partnerships.